Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Boxing Day

Today is Boxing Day in Canada and the United Kingdom. We have a lot of boxes lying on the living room floor from Christmas. There's a whole cabinet of boxes in the garage that we reuse each year. Our crawlspace has lots of boxes that we can reuse if we ever move. I bring home paper boxes every chance I get from work. You could say I have a box collection. We started buying those plastic containers to put everything in. Permanent boxes. It doesn't matter I'm still not organized. Oh well. That's my commentary on Boxing Day.

Boy did I eat a lot this weekend. None of my Christmas clothes are gonna fit except the socks. Between my sister's get together on Christmas Eve and my brother's on Christmas evening I'm stuffed. I finished reading Phil Jackson's book about the Los Angeles Lakers " The Last Season - A Team In Search Of It's Soul" I'm not sure what I'm gonna read next. I'm a few pages into Tom Brokaw's - "The Greatest Generation." I checked out "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown. I don't know if I'll get to it. I have to start planning for next year and what I hope to accomplish. I really didn't meet my two goals for last year. I'll have to put them on top of the list for this year. One thing I do want to try and do is post something on my blog everyday even if it's just a quote or some random thoughts. It will be nice to look back on next year.


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