Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Another Day

"Another Day." That's the title of one of my favorite Paul McCartney songs. "Woke up got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head, went a way downstairs and drank a cup, looking up I noticed I was late, grabbed my coat, grabbed my hat, made the bus in seconds flat..." It's amazing what some songs are about. Last night after I signed off and before I went to sleep I thought about some ideas for my blog. One of them was a recap of a typical day from waking up until I go to sleep. A description of everything that happens from getting out of bed, showering, eating breakfast, what kind of cereal I ate - Kellogg's Special K with strawberries. Driving to work, which route I take -Oldfield Road to Frontage Road to Cass Avenue - No traffic. What's on the way - once in a while I'll see some deer. Lately the sun has been right in my eyes. A rundown of a typical workday, answering calls, reading e-mails usually over 100 each morning, printing e-mails, listening to voicemails - usually 7 or 8. Organizing my desk for the day. Filling out all the checklists that need to be completed. You wouldn't believe all the paperwork. Getting my drink of water. A one hour lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. What I ate at lunch - usually a sandwich, chips and a Diet Pepsi except on Friday's when I grab a slice of Rosati's sausage and cheese pizza and a Diet Pepsi for $3.00 to celebrate the end of the workweek. My daily 20 minute nap. It's amazing how great those afternoon naps are. Back to work for another three hours, another hour of answering calls and then two hours working on delivery requirements which is mostly typing. Boy when you descibe it it's pretty mundane. The days usually fly by and there's always plenty of work to do - Job security. The thing that makes it interesting is the people I work with, but forget the bosses. It's a short day and unbelievably close to home. I work on a computer all day and I'm logged into the internet all day. I can sneak peeks at the news on and or anything else that I want to check out. I haven't started blogging from work yet. There's always too much to do. The day is over at 3:30 p.m. and then a short drive home. I usually stop at the library a couple times a week and run errands on the way home. Even when I do I'm still home by 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. I guess I can't complain. My commute use to be 35 minutes to an hour each way depending on the traffic. When I first got out of college I took the train downtown for over ten years. I got a lot of reading done on the train. I'll save some of those memories of that routine for "Another day."


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