Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Cut Grass

This is the first time I can remember cutting my grass in November. What a beautiful day today in the mid-60's. My oldest son had a bunch of school friends over and we wanted to get the house looking nice. Thank goodness for get togethers, the house gets cleaned what motivation. My nephews birthday get together is tonight - he's 10. I took the boys to see that new movie
"The Incredibles"
It was fantastic - excellent entertainment. Just like the others
"Finding Nemo"
"Toy Story" Who thinks up these movies? What imaginations. Even the shorts they show as previews are excellent. I can't even imagine what the animation will be like in a couple of years. They showed a preview for a Pixar movie coming out next year "Cars" I wonder if any of the music in the movie will be by the Cars? The previews really do a great job of getting you to want to see more movies. I can't wait to see
"The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie"
I'm still reading the "Happy Isles of Oceania" by Paul Theroux. I'm about half way through it. I picked up another book "So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year Of Passionate Reading" by Sara Nelson in my quest to get more reading ideas. Her book reads like a blog. Maybe at the beginning of next year I'll attempt something similar. She has some excellent observations of readers. I have an office filled with books and I still go to the library two or three times week looking for more books. My bookshelves are sagging from too many books. It won't be long and I'll have to take over another room of the house. I already envision bookshelves on all the walls.


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