Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Victory Celebration

The Varsity won their playoff game against St. Joan of Arc. Next week is the championship against St. Michael's at Illinois Benedictine University . Celebrated at Steak N' Shake because they heard a commercial on the radio. The power of advertising. My youngest son's team lost their last game and their season is over. Next week they have basketball evaluations. The Chicago Bears lost again. Their game was closer than I would have predicted. They need another quaterback or it's gonna be a long season. The Green Bay Packers finally won. It looks like the Red Sox aren't gonna make it. The Yankees really clobbered them. I'm listening to WNUA while I blog-surf. I keep thinking of things to add to my profile and I check out everyone's favorite books to get some reading suggestions. I just finished reading "Shrink Rap" by Robert B. Parker and I'm reading "Hotel Honolulu" by Paul Theroux. It reads like a blog. I've added a few more favorites from some of the blogs I looked at. My favorites list is about 1,000 sites long. Eventually I will add it to my blog with 100 things about me or something like it. I also want to add an wish list and things I'm selling on eBay. Lots of ideas, too little time. I've already checked out all the new websites on Yahoo and read all my e-mails. I'm looking at the Chicago Tribune comics I usually read Shoe, Dilbert, Peanuts, The Lockhorns and Mister Boffo. I always wanted to be a cartoonist but I was afraid I would never make any money at it. I met Joe Martin once the guy who draws Mister Boffo. He lives in Lake Geneva right on the lake and draws cartoons. What a life. Only a couple of weeks until Halloween. I went in our crawlspace and pulled out all four containers of Halloween decorations. We have a bunch of the Simpsons Halloween figures that Burger King had for a couple years. It seems like each year more and more people are decorating outside for Halloween. My wife bought a huge rubber rat and had it in bed when I pulled down the covers. She thought I would be scared. I told her I'm too brave. It looked like a stuffed animal so I didn't get the full effect. Now if it was a bloody horse's head like in the movie "The Godfather" that would have been a different story. It's looking out the front window now. I'm thinking of bringing it to work to scare a few co-workers. I'm still trying to get my office organized and have a bunch of stacks of stuff in the family room. Came across a bunch of old pictures, articles and concert and sporting event ticket stubs. I need an archivist. Who know's why I save it all. It really rekindles some great memories. I'm hoping this blog will do the same thing when I read my old posts. Until next time...


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