Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

List Of Things To Do

01. Buy everyone in a bar a drink *
02. Swim with dolphins
03. Climb a mountain *
04. Take a Ferrari for a test drive *
05. Visit the Great Pyramids
06. Hold a tarantula *
07. Take a candlelit bath with someone *
08. Say 'I love you' and meant it *
09. Hug a tree *
10. Do a striptease *
11. Bungee jump
12. Visit Paris
13. Watch a lightning storm at sea.
14. Stay up all night long, and watch the sun rise *
15. See the Northern Lights
16. Go to the Super Bowl *
17. Walk the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa.
18. Grow and eat your own vegetables *
19. Touch an iceberg *
20. Sleep under the stars *
21. Change a baby's diaper *
22. Take a trip in a hot air balloon
23. Watch a meteor shower *
24. Get drunk on champagne
25. Give more than you can afford to charity
26. Look up at the night sky through a telescope *
27. Have an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
28. Have a food fight *
29. Bet on a winning horse *
30. Take a sick day when you're not ill *
31. Have a pillow fight *
32. Have a snowball fight *
33. Photocopy your bottom on the office photocopier
34. Scream as loudly as you possibly can *
35. Hold a baby animal *
36. Enact a favorite fantasy
37. Take a midnight skinny dip *
38. Take an ice cold bath
39. Have a meaningful conversation with a homeless person
40. See a total eclipse *
41. Ride a roller coaster *
42. Hit a home run *
43. Run for a touchdown
44. Dance like a fool and not cared who was looking
45. Learn a foreign language
46. Visit the birthplace of your ancestors
47. Actually feel happy about your life *
48. Buy a computer *
49. Visit all 50 states
50. Love your job
51. Take care of someone who was drunk *
52. Have enough money to be truly satisfied
53. Have amazing friends
54. Dance in a foreign country
55. Watch wild whales *
56. Steal a sign *
57. Backpack in Europe
58. Take a road-trip *
59. Go rock climbing *
60. Go kayaking *
61. Take a midnight walk on the beach *
62. Skydive
63. Visit Ireland
64. Visit Australia
65. In a restaurant, sit at a stranger's table and have a meal with them
66. Visit Japan
67. Bench press your own weight
68. Milk a cow
69. Alphabetize your records…CDs
70. Pretend to be a superhero
71. Sing karaoke *
72. Lounge around in bed all day *
73. Walk around nude all day
74. Go scuba diving
75. Get it on in all 50 states
76. Kiss in the rain *
77. Play in the mud *
78. Make love in the rain
79. Go to a drive-in theater *
80. Sneak into a theater *
81. Visit the Great Wall of China
82. Start a blog *
83. Drop by a visit a friend you haven't seen in years
84. Start a business
85. Fall in love *
86. Tour a castle *
87. Take a martial arts class *
88. Take a writing class
89. Stay awake for 48 hours straight
90. Get married *
91. Be in a movie *
92. Crash a party
93. Visit a cemetery *
94. Kiss someone passionately for an hour or more *
95. Shower with a member of the opposite sex *
96. Have sex at the office *
97. Go without food for one week
98. Make cookies *
99. Won a big prize in a sweepstakes *
100. Ride a gondola in Venice
101. Visit the Vatican
102. Visit Spain
103. Whitewater raft *
104. Be on television *
105. Give flowers for no reason *
106. Make love in a public place *
107. See the Red Square
108. See Niagara Falls
109. Perform on stage *
110. Go to Las Vegas *
111. Sit in the front row for a concert *
112. Eat shark *
113. Catch a foul ball at a baseball game
114. Visit Thailand
115. Visit an Indian Reservation *
116. Buy a house *
117. Ride in a helicopter
118. Visit an aircraft carrier
119. Grow a beard
120. Take a cruise
121. Speak more than one language fluently
122. Watch a live boxing match
123. Have $5000 balance in my checking account *
124. Perform on stage in a show *
125. Read the bible *
126. Raise children *
127. Buy your favorite childhood toy
128. Follow your favorite baseball team to an away game *
129. Learn some of the constellations
130. Take a bicycle tour in a foreign country.
131. Find out something significant that your ancestors did
132. Call, write or visit with your Congress person. *
133. Move to another city *
134. Vacation for more than a month
135. Walk the Golden Gate Bridge *
136. Buy a new car *
137. Be a godparent to someone *
138. Have major surgery *
139. Finish four years of college *
140. Write articles for a publication *
141. Lose over 50 pounds *
142. Have someone to hold while sleeping *
143. Sleep on a submarine *
144. Pet a lion
145. See a live koala bear *
146. Watch your the birth of your baby *
147. Watch your children graduate college
148. Audition for a T.V. game show *
149. Volunteer for a telethon *
150. See the White House *
151. Go on an African photo safari
152. Ride a motorcycle
153. Drive a car at a speed of greater than 100 mph *
154. Ride on a sailboat on the ocean *
155. Visit New York City
156. See a bear in the wild *
157. Ride a horse *
158. Survive major surgery *
159. Take a train across the United States
160. Have a pet *
161. Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
162. Experience weightlessness
163. Drive cross country *
164. Visit more than 10 foreign countries
165. Visited all 7 continents
166. Take a canoe trip *
167. Eat kangaroo meat
168. Visit ancient Mayan ruins *
169. Be a blood donor *
170. Eat sushi
171. Have your picture in the newspaper *
172. Have 2 or more healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime *
173. Change someone's mind about something you care deeply about
174. Campaign for a political candidate *
175. Go back to school *
176. Parasail
177. Write a book
178. Pet an alligator
179. Eat fried green tomatoes
180. Read The Iliad
181. Select one "important" author and read everything they wrote *
182. Dine in a restaurant with celebrity *
183. Invite a celebrity to your home
184. Paint a picture of yourself
185. Catch and cook a fish dinner
186. Coach a team *
187. Go to your school reunions *
188. Pay it forward *
189. Help someone get elected to public office
190. Written your biography on the computer
191. Live your dream
192. Visit someone in the hospital *
193. Build some furniture
194. Sell some of your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
195. Have a booth at a street fair
196: Win a radio contest *
197: Be a DJ *
198: Finish a jigsaw puzzle *
199: Make a list like this *
200: Read to your children *

After 2 1/2 years (6/30/2007) I've done 103 of these.


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