Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Right after school we had teacher conferences. Both boys are doing great and their teacher's love them. They both made the honor roll this quarter. We had ten minutes with each teacher. They went over their report cards which were excellent. They are so lucky to go to the school they do with all the parental involvement. I can't remember my parents having any conferences when I was in junior high. We stopped for Subway sandwiches afterwards. They both had basketball practice tonight. It was a busy night. I'm listening to America's Greatest Hits. I'm just about finished with "The Happy Isles of Oceania" by Paul Theroux. I think I'll wait awhile before I pick up another 600 page book. Reading it did want me to take a closer look at and read some of my National Geographics . There's so many exotic places I'll never get to see. At least I can read about them. Tomorrow is Veteran's Day. Thank you very much to all our veteran's and people in the armed forces protecting our freedom. No school Friday for the boys. I'm still deciding if I should take a personal day Friday 0r save it. The big family wedding is Sunday. That should be a trip seeing all the aunts and uncles and cousins.


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