Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Another Fun Monday

Back at work bright and early Monday morning. Saw three young deer on the frontage road I take. It's great working only five minutes from home. Had the usual 120 to 130 e-mails Monday morning. Still have a pile of work from last week ensuring "Job Security." I got a call from my wife just as I was leaving. My oldest son left his backpack in the school parking lot. Thank goodness no one took off with it. The graphing calculator they use costs $100.00. I don't think all of my school supplies ever for the whole year cost $100.00. I can still remember getting my first calculator, a Texas Instruments TI-10 senior year in high school. You can get a calculator today that has all the same functions for a couple of bucks. I still have my old slide rule. I don't remember how to use it. I remember that scene in the movie Apollo 13 where all those guys were doing calculations on their slide rules to get the astronauts home. Amazing. My one uncle worked for NASA during Apollo 8 when they first orbited the moon. He is really brilliant. Now look what we can do. Millions of people can keep online journals and blogs and are probably online right now. This modern technology always amazes me. If only I could use it all effectively.


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