Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Sunny Sunday

Sunday September 26, 2004

It's a glorious day. Up bright and early. Too bad the Bears and Cubs both lost. Watched youth football all afternoon outside. The sixth grade team lost 12 to 0 and the "Varsity" won 14 to 0. One of the players on the other team got a concussion and that delayed the second game. It made me think back to my one and only ambulance ride. That was one of the bumpiest and most uncomfortable rides I've ever been on. I wasn't even injured but they had to take me in for observation and then about a month later I got a bill for $400.00 that's what really hurt.

I'm just finishing up the Sunday Chicago Tribune. I forgot who said it but a newspaper really is a great value. I'm one of those people that has to organize it before I start reading it. All the sections in numerical order and read them in order. I look at the T.V. Week first to see if there's anything worth watching. Then read the Parade and the Tribune Magazine. Dave Barry always has a column in the Tribune Magazine. He is one of the first people I knew who had a blog. I remember the cartoonist Jeff MacNelly who used to do a cartoon for his column. What a great cartoonist he was. I wonder what kind of satire Dave Barry and Carl Hiaasen will come up with after the hurricanes. They sure have a dearth of material in Florida.

I can't imagine being at any of those place that got hit by the hurricanes. All that wind and rain. How do you decide what you take when you evacuate. It must be brutal not knowing if anything will be there when you get back. The paper mentions a guy that drowned after a hurricane party. I wonder what you do at a hurricane party. Isn't there a drink called a hurricane? Were there any people out there trying to surf the big waves like that Keanu Reeves movie "Point Break?" and all those alligators being liberated. Where do all the birds hide? I wonder if there are any hurricane blogs that can answer these puzziling questions.

This is a new experiment for me. I'll see how it works out. When I figure this out I'd like to have links to things I see. It's nice to be able to capture some of these random thoughts and archive them. Maybe this will be more like an online diary than a blog. Who knows.


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