Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

ABC's Of Me

A is for favorite Appliance - refrigerator
B is for favorie Band - The Beatles
C is for Career - Financial Advisor
D is for your Dwelling - single family split level home on one block street
E is for favorite Escape - reading, watching movies or napping
F is for Favorite Song (one of many) - "Another Day" by Paul McCartney
G is for favorite Game - football
H is for Hometown - "Action" Park a.k.a Villa "Party"
I is for favorite Ice cream - chocolate chip cookie dough
J is for Jam or Jelly you like - strawberry preserves
K is for Kids - two wonderful, smart, funny, great boys
L is what you eat for Lunch - sandwich, chips and cookies
M is for favorite Movie - Forrest Gump
N is for Name of favorite soft drink - Diet Pepsi Twist
O is for the name of the car you Own - Buick LeSabre
P is for favorite Pizza - mushroom and cheese
Q is for your best Quality - smile
R is for favorite Room - bedroom
S is for favorite Sport - baseball
T is for favorite Television show - Seinfeld
U is for favorite Utensil - spoon (for ice cream and cereal)
V is for favorite Vacation - the beach in Michigan with the family
W is for favorite Weekend activity - Hiking with the family
X is for X-rays you have had - broken right thumb and ring finger
Y is for Years on earth - under 50
Z is for Zodiac sign - Aries


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