Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Thursday, November 25, 2004


We had our first snow of the year today. It was a heavy wet snow and it looks pretty deep. The weight of it broke some branches on our trees. The roads were really slushy. There's slush everywhere. What a great word. Slush. Just mix in some flavor and you can make "Slushees." It's was a short workweek, only two days and I had a vacation day today. It was a great day to have the day off with the weather. I got to sleep an extra hour. I went to the school mass at 9:00 a.m. Watching the kids is great. The choir sang an excellent Thanksgiving song at the end of mass and the final song was God Bless America. When I got home I took a nice long nap. The boys had a half day of school. My oldest son went to Culvers with a bunch of friends and I picked him up at 1:00 p.m. My youngest son went to see "The Incredibles" for the second time. I picked him and his teammates up at 4:10 p.m. and then he had basketball practice from 4:45 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. My oldest had basketball practice from 7:30 until 9:00 p.m. I spent the day driving everywhere and brushing snow/slush off the car. While my oldest was at practice I went to the library to study for my exam. There was nobody there because of the weather. I had the quiet study room all to myself. Usually when I go there there's three to five people or more studying for something. They give me some inspiration knowing I'm not the only one studying. I have a lot of studying to do. I'm a great procrastinator. I hope to take the test the last day of the year like last year. It's so hard to concentrate when there's so many other things I want to read. I picked Walter Payton's autobiography "Never Die Easy" and have started reading it. I'm about halfway through. My oldest son is doing a report on him for school and I have the book until the end of the month. Talk about an inspiration and hard worker. He was amazing. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. What a great holiday. Eat and watch football. The Bears play at 3:00 p.m. They are probably pretty worn out from their lost to the Colts. We had an excellent time at the game. The weather was beautiful. We overdressed. Too bad the Bears didn't play better. I'm gonna try and get up early to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade It's kind of a tradition. We have dinner at 3:00 at Shannon & Gene's. My sister invited us over for dessert. We'll have a chance to see both sides of the family. After Thanksgiving dinner, there's nothing like watching a classic movie with family and friends. Here are a few of my favorite Thanksgiving films:
* The Gizzard Of Oz* It's A Wonderful Knife* One Flew Over The Turkey's Nest* Stuffing Miss Daisy* Midnight Cranberry* Relish Tray Without A Cause* The Silence Of The Yams* Snow White And The Seven Helpings* A Streetcar Named Tryptophan * Three Men And A Baster* M*A*S*H*E*D* Close Encounters Of The Pumpkin Pie* Forrest Plump* Mutiny On The Kiddie Table* When Harry Met Salmonella* Rosemary's Gravy* The Turkeynator


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