Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Dan In Real Life

We watched the DVD "Dan In Real Life."


Dan Burns (Steve Carell) is a local newspaper advice columnist. He has three daughters and is a widower. He brings the family to his parent's house for a family get-together. When Dan goes to a local bookstore, he meets a woman, Marie (Juliette Binoche). To catch her attention, Dan poses as a shop clerk, and convinces her to buy a random selection of books. When Marie finds out the truth, Dan proposes to make it up to her. The two share an intimate conversation and Dan starts falling for her. Marie, gets a phone call and starts to leave immediately. Dan asks for her number. Marie refuses saying that she has just started a new relationship, but relents and gives Dan her number. On the way back, Dan, an otherwise careful driver, is so engrossed in the memory of Marie that he jumps a stop sign and gets a ticket. When he gets home, he finds out to his surprise that Marie is his brother Mitch's (Dane Cook) girlfriend, but not before he mentions that he met a hottie at the bookstore. Dan tells Marie that they should not mention the bookstore incident to the family. The family starts liking Marie, while Dan gets envious and starts to behave strangely. Over the next few days ,the two go back and forth in forbidden love and a few laughs. Dan's mother Nana (Dianne Wiest) announces the she met an old acquaintance of Dan's, Ruthie Draper (Emily Blunt) and that she has set up a date between Dan and Ruthie. Dan recalls that when they were kids, Ruthie's nickname was "pigface" and refuses to go. Mitch proposes that they could make it a double date with him and Marie, and Dan agrees. Ruthie turns out to be very hot, but Dan isn't really interested in her. However, on Marie's indication that Ruthie is not right for him, Dan feigns interest and starts dancing with Ruthie. Marie gets jealous and joins the floor with Mitch, leading to an upstaging contest between Dan and Marie. During a game of family football, Dan continues to flirt with Marie, and as a result, gets hit on the nose by the ball. His eldest daughter, Jane (Allison Pill) confronts him and tells that she has noticed his flirting and warns him to stop. Just then, Dan gets a phone call and finds out that some representatives from a syndicated publication will be coming to interview him for a position. The night before the interview, the family has a talent show program, where Dan sings a love song to Marie, disguised as his talent. In the morning, Marie, torn by the pressure of falling for Dan, dumps Mitch and leaves. She calls Dan, and he leaves to meet her, missing the same stop sign and getting a second ticket from the same cop in the process. They meet up, and decide to go bowling. In the meantime, the representatives have arrived and the family comes to look for Dan to fing the two sharing a kiss together. Dan explains, saying that Marie was the woman he met at the bookstore. Mitch hits Dan. Marie runs out and then drives away. Dan goes chasing after her, but rams the same cops car while backing out and loses his license. After this incident, Dan realizes he's been neglecting his family and kids. He admits he's been ignoring them and apologizes to his family and kids. He tries to apologise to Mitch, to find out that Mitch is now going out with Ruthie. His daughters realize that he is in love with Marie, and they encourage him to go back and find her. He then goes to New York to find Marie and they live happily ever after.



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