Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Plan When You Reach Quarterlife

A plan to prevent you from facing a crisis when you reach quarterlife:

1. Have a Strong Faith Cling to something eternal — everything else is shifting sand.

2. Learn How to Choose with Consequences/Set Goals to Achieve Face difficult choices. Choose for yourself what to do after college. Think about it and what to do after.
Choose what you want and know what you need to do to get it.

3. Remain Optimistic The world can be a rough place. See the good in people. See the sunshine for the clouds. Know that because things change, they can also change for your good. Keep your chin up, baby!

4. Learn the Value of Money and How to Use It There is a big transition between school and work. The hours and pay are very different from what you’d expect. Do not rack up debt. Here’s a tip: read any contract before you sign it. And if you don’t know what something in the contract means — ask! Do your best to save money. Spend your own money on things you wants. Have a job while you are in high school, and certainly one while you are in college. Pay your own way to college (as The Millionaire Next Door points out, this is a common theme for the wealthy who care).

5. Don’t Count on Mom and Dad This may seem obvious, while leaning on your parents for emotional support is okay, coming home for financial support should be rare. As soon as you move you are on your own. “Good luck! Call anytime!”

6. Give Up Dating I know that sounds strange. Meeting “the one” is a concern. Apparently there is some pressure to be married by 30. My advice is: Don’t worry about it. The more you focus on the other important things in your life, the more likely you are to run into love. Here’s an even stranger tip: If you actually decide not to date, when word gets out, there will be a bevy of people who consider your decision a personal challenge. Be careful!

7. Volunteer There is a time in our lives when our world is the only world. What if I don’t get promoted? What if I never meet anyone in this new town? What if I end up staying in my hometown and all my college friends leave? Guess what? It really doesn’t matter much. Get out of your own head and into someone else’s. Want to meet new people? Visit shut-ins. Serve soup at a homeless shelter. Candy stripe. Tired of your tiny apartment? It’s not like sleeping in a bathroom stall, honey. Nothing changes perspective on the stress in your life like helping an elderly man check to see if he has enough oxygen in his tank to breathe through the night.



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