Location: Illinois, United States

The days are just packed. Every day is an adventure. Life is good.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Second Horseman

I finished reading "The Second Horseman" by Kyle Mills.


Brandon Vale is a career thief - the best there is. Or at least he was before he was thrown in prison for a jewel heist gone bad. And even more embarrassing, it was a sloppy little job that he had nothing to do with. His time is going fairly quietly until the night he's broken out against his will by Richard Scanlon, the now retired FBI agent who framed him in the first place. Scanlon, who still maintains ties to the U.S. intelligence community, has discovered that a Ukrainian crime organization is auctioning twelve nuclearwarheads to the highest bidder, but he can't convince the government that the sale isn't a hoax. The only way he can get his hands on the $200 million necessary to take the warheads off the market is to do something that goes against everything he stands for: Steal it. The choice Brandon is given is simple: Help Scanlon and hope to live through it, or turn himself in and face the repercussions of his "escape." Suddenly Brandon finds himself with only weeks to plan a Las Vegas heist that he's been dreaming about for years, but has always thought was probably impossible. And to make matters worse, Scanlon insists on choosing his team personally. Led by the relentlessly intelligent and undeniably beautiful Catherine Juarez, not a single one of the former government operatives he picks has so much as shoplifted a pack of gum in their lives. As the day of the heist approaches, Brandon's carefully constructed plans begin to break down and he suspects that the elaborate double-cross he's devised to save himself could cost millions of people their lives. He finally has to ask himself just how far he's willing to be dragged into a game that he can only lose.


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